- „Neural Dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease“. Joint German-Israeli project with H. Bergman, E. Vaadia (Jerusalem). Funded by BMBF-MOS. Funding period: 2003–2006
- „Plasticity and reorganization of object processing in the human brain“. Joint project with C. Büchel, B. Röder (Hamburg), H. Siebner (Kiel). Funded by BMBF. Funding period: 2006-2009
- „Neuroimage Nord – Continuation of Imaging Center“. Joint project with C. Büchel, B. Röder, H. Zeumer, D. Naber (Hamburg). Funded by BMBF. Funding period: 2006-2008
- „Wholehead-MEG-System“. Joint project with C. Büchel, B. Röder, H. Zeumer, D. Naber, M. Westphal, M. Clausen (Hamburg). Funded by BMBF. Funding period: 2006-2008
- „Biopharma NEU2: NEUCONN Connectivity Platform – Novel approaches to monitoring of network structure and function in MS“. Joint project with G. Nolte, S. Gold, C. Heesen (Hamburg). Funded by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF). Funding period: 2012-2016